[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There is a saying: An educated customer is the best customer, as they can appreciate the quality of workmanship that we provide.
So, let’s start our blog with a new topic- few mistakes that people often make while choosing the best basement waterproofing contractor!
Well, we do not impose on our clients that Canada Waterproofers is the Best waterproofing service provider delivering the outstanding results to Torontians. Besides, it is an established truth already that we are well known all around Toronto for our latest technologies and brand new methods which we adapt for putting a stop to your leaky basement problems.
But to our customers benefit and readers interest, it is imperative that we offer some useful information for them to peruse. Before you google to find out, well, a superb basement waterproofing contractor, kindly go through the following points:-
Price or Quality?
There is no doubt that the industry to this date is too full with companies claiming to offer best and highest quality treatment for a leaky basement and that it is way too confounding and confusing to choose any one company for this purpose.
Ask yourself, do you first look for the pricing of the service you are going to get, or do you enquire for the quality of the service being offered?
A comprehensive and effective basement waterproofing can be an expensive service, but it does provide your home the safety and solidity that it requires to withstand the heavy downpours and the formidable snowstorms that are so typical of Toronto.
Alternatively, you could also go for the cheaper waterproofing for your basement walls, but this will cost you much more in the long run. Basement Waterproofing services require the necessary training, insurance and WSIB coverage.
Cast a look at credentials?
There are a large number of activities involved in waterproofing at multiple levels, which make this a difficult and dangerous job to accomplish.
A company must always have WSIB coverage to support such workplace accidents. Given that the contractor you hired doesn’t have any such insurance or coverage, then you might come under government rules, and your property can be sold to pay for the injured workers recovery.
Essential certifications, licenses and awards are the symbols that demonstrate the company’s credibility!
Sneak up on references!
Yeh, we are not joking! Sneak up on them who are referring you to any waterproofing contractor. Bad companies often accumulate smart references, who are often paid, for bringing to them less-than-knowledgeable customers. So, check onto Trusted pros where you can look for reliable credibility of any contractor.
Put everything down on paper!
Companies say any or all kinds of things they can do for you, but unless its in writing then there is no surety that they will do that once you hire their services. The experts might discuss dozens of things they will be doing to treat your leaky basement walls, but all is lost in the wisp of an air, until its printed down on paper, signed and attested so that you can show them what they promised to you!
Did you know there existed DIY waterproofing option?
These times in every home commodities store, you could find DIY kit for waterproofing repairs. Many waterproofing companies also use these products and claim that they are employing latest products and cutting technology to provide you dry basement. The more you will be educated on this topic, more you could watch for frauds and save yourself from being duped!
FYI: Educate yourself before hiring a company and always collect credentials.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]